Happy Memorial Day from Beanster’s Bytes!! Sometimes we forget (myself included) what Memorial Day is all about and we get distracted by BBQ’s, great sales and pool time. Personally I think any day when you can get some good family time is a great day but don’t forget to take a moment to recognize while we are celebrating. Here is a great coloring page that you can print for your kiddos to help explain what Memorial Day is all about.
It’s uploaded the same as the previous weeks, you don’t have to download anything, just click the link and you can print directly off of the site.
Here are some fun blogs and videos to help you to stay safe and enjoy today!
Keeping your family safe by the pool!
Paleo & Toddler Friendly Turkey Verde Burgers & Grilled Potato Salad
Garlic & Avocado Hummus
Have a wonderful Holiday! We’ll see you tomorrow!