It’s almost September and we have just begun our planning for Bean’s 3rd Birthday party! Before we talk location, the guest list or food I would like to get our theme nailed down. Then we can choose everything around and according to the theme. I’ve been asking Bean for weeks now what she would like and it changes pretty much every time. I decided to put together a list of my top party themes and share them with you today!
- Sesame Street (this is versatile and you can go with all of the characters or just choose your child’s favorite)
- Ice Cream Social (use everything from ice cream shaped decor to an ice cream cone cake, you can even have the kids make their own sundaes)
- Barbie
- Princess (Let the kids decorate their own princess crowns and even dress up as their favorite princess)
- Disney Princesses (Choose one or all of the Disney princesses to feature)
- DIY Crafting Party (bust out your art supplies and let the kids make their own simple DIY crafts, no need for favors as their projects will be their take home. Check out some of our videos for inspiration.)
- Tie Die (Have the kids make their own tie die shirts)
- The Circus (face painting, a clown, homemade cotton candy? This theme is endless with the different ways you could go with it)
- Pretty in Pink (Pink anything and everything, the ultimate girly party)
- Disney’s Cars
- Doc McStuffins
- Legos
- Sports (Baseball, Football, etc. Teams.)
- Jake and the Never-land Pirates
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Dora the Explorer/Diego
- Candyland
- Dr. Seuss (This is easy because of Dr. Seuss’ huge catalog of characters you can choose from)
- Construction (What little boy doesn’t love dump trucks and dirt? Get creative with this theme with orange signs and hard hats)
- Mickey/Minnie Mouse
- Superhero (Have the kids dress up as their favorite superhero)
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Muppets
- Ninja
- Super Mario Brothers
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Camping (Have this party outside, set up tents, roast marshmallows and make smores)
- Zoo (Just like visiting a zoo you can have all of your favorite (fake) animals there)
- Hello Kitty
- On the Farm (Trackers, cows, pigs and horses, you can even let the kids dress up like farmers)
- Magic (Hire a magician and have them teach your kids magic tricks!)
- Pizzeria (Let the kids decorate their own pizzas!)
- Yo Gabba Gabba
- Peppa the Pig
- 80’s (Your toddler has no idea what the 80’s are but the other parents will have a blast dressing their toddler in neon, spandex and teased hair!)
- Bugs (You may thing they are disgusting but chances are your toddler thinks they are great. You don’t have to have actual bugs but you can have some fun with crafting, gummy worms and more!)
- Tea Party (Small sandwiches, a tea set and some fun cookies are all you’ll need for the perfect tea party)
- Finding Nemo
- American Girl
- Curious George
- My little pony
- Carnival (Get crafty by making your own carnival games, check out our video for inspiration)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (With the new movie that just came out I am seeing Ninja Turtles everywhere! Your toddler will love this theme)
- Firefighter (No fires are required but let your guest dress up in fire hats, play with small fire engines and more)
- Little Artists (Allow your toddler to embrace their artistic side and let each child create their own painting)
- Clifford the big red Dog
- Toy Story
- Thomas the Train
- Spongebob
- Baking Party (No baking required, let your guests decorate a small cake, cupcakes or even cookies)
Fore more tips on getting started check out our blog, “How to plan a toddler Birthday Party!”
Do you have any theme ideas I missed? Please let me know in the comments below!
-Crystal & the (almost 3 year old) Bean